In my world of small independent racing programs, the road to building a winning team is paved with many obstacles. First, all of the positions are filled on a volunteer basis by friends who like helping us wrench in our shop and enjoy having fun with us at the track. These friends become our support team by default. The challenge with this scenario, though, is that the members of this entry-level team are not necessarily specialists or experts. They are simply friends who love hanging out with you and will do whatever you ask, but are really not a true racing team. Your volunteer team is only as good as you and need constant guidance and direction from their leader. This scenario usually works great for the occasional weekend warrior. There is nothing better than a little shop time with your buddies and spending the weekend at an event racing and enjoying some great food and beverages.
The second obstacle with having a volunteer racing team usually surfaces when you get the urge to race more and begin to travel. Your team of buddies have jobs and families that are their first priority. An occasional weekend trip, and the weekly wrenching sessions in your garage are great therapy for the trials of life, but anything more than that, volunteer and unpaid, is simply out of the question. This scenario is what breaks apart most weekend fun-teams.
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