For Immediate Release January 9, 2013
“TAMELESS” – A living legend of drag racing that still mixes it up, Arnie Beswick IS TAMELESS. He continues to thrill three generations of fans with long smokey burnouts and low 7-second passes in his 1964 GTO Tameless Tiger II Nostalgia Pro Stock.
HISTORICAL VALUE – Going back to the start of it all this car is a legend in fast street car drag racing. Sure it’s old school cool, but Larry Vienneau wouldn’t have it any other way!
THE DARK KNIGHT – If cars could talk this one would say, “I am your worst nightmare!” From the concept of building a record breaking 2,500+ horsepower street machine, to actually doing it. COOKY AND THE ROOKY…
YOU CAN STEAL MY CAR BUT YOU CAN’T TAKE AWAY MY DRIVE! – This 7-second all-motor Mustang packs more than a punch and has a story behind it. How the devastating loss of one car led to the build of this potent pony.
THE FINAL SHAKEDOWN – From its humble beginnings, the name “Shakedown” has become synonymous with the word records.
THE GREEN EMPIRE STRIKES BACK – After a huge upset at the final event last season, the Sporring/Latino team took back the PMRA and more in 2012!
PROJECT 4 LUG THUG – Flamethrower
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