Troy, Mich. – December 12, 2023 – Marx Buscemi Eisbrenner Group (MBE Group), a full-service marketing communications agency highly focused in the automotive, mobility, trucking, tech and consumer goods industries, received an Automotive Communications Award, presented by Women in Auto Care at the 2023 Automotive Aftermarket Product Expo (AAPEX) in Las Vegas.
The prestigious awards, announced on Nov. 1, 2023, recognizes companies and agencies for their outstanding advertising, marketing and public relations efforts in the automotive aftermarket.
MBE Group earned the Business-to-Consumer Award for Best Digital Display Ad, for a campaign the company developed for Armorlite, a complete replacement flooring and cargo system for the off-road vehicle market. The campaign, called “Interior as Tough as the Exterior,” reflects the company’s 150-year heritage of designing durable flooring systems for the global automotive industry.
“It’s an honor for our team to be recognized by an organization we admire and respect,” said Frank Buscemi, CEO and chief creative officer of MBE Group. “This award from Women in Auto Care acknowledges our commitment to deliver excellent creative campaigns, the understanding of our clients’ audience and our familiarity with the ever-evolving digital landscape in our industry.”
Armorlite is recognized within the off-roading community as providing “tough” complete replacement flooring systems for Jeeps®. The campaign was designed to showcase the off-roading experience while demonstrating that the product goes well beyond ordinary floor mats. The “Interior as Tough as the Exterior” digital display campaign launched in January 2023 and was part of a full digital advertising campaign including Meta and Search ads.
The award-winning campaign strategy was targeted toward Jeep Wrangler and Gladiator owners who had previously visited the Armorlite website. Retargeting ads were essential in the success of the campaign and part of a larger initiative to focus on conversions from previous site visitors rather than on awareness to generate new visitors. Through the campaign, conversions increased by 300 percent, resulting in a cost per acquisition (CPA) that was 69 percent lower than the previous year.
For additional information, visit the agency website at