From: Monty Mikho/Yellow Bullet Nationals
This press release is very difficult for me to write as everyone knows how much Maria and myself enjoy putting on the Yellow Bullet Nationals however, due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, the rules and regulations that we are forced to follow by our state and local authorities severely limits our ability to operate a race track. The rules and regulations change quite frequently without notice. Due to the current rules and regulations in place, we would not be able to put on a race that would host a large number of racers and spectators.
We want EVERYONE to be able to enjoy the YELLOW BULLET NATIONALS experience. We have therefore made the very difficult decision to postpone the 2020 YELLOWBULLET.COM NATIONALS until the SPRING OF 2021. Once we get closer to 2021 and know what the rules and regulations are relating to COVID-19, we will narrow down a date and provide a press release with the details. Thanks everyone for your continued support of our race event and we look forward to seeing you all…healthy and ready to race in SPRING 2021!
Keep checking back for updates!