Last month we brought you up to speed on our RPM Hardcore Horsepower Garage and completed the install of a wide assortment of new Pit Pal Products aluminum storage components. Unfortunately, as projects like this so often do, fixing one problem with something new and shiny has a way of leaving any do-it-yourselfer dissatisfied with his or her other things.
That’s exactly what happened with our tool storage and work surfaces once we got the cool new Pit Pal Products installed. Not only did our old tool box lack adequate room for all our stuff, at over two decades old, it was showing signs of wear, tear, and an occasional temper tantrum-induced thrown
wrench dent.
Tool storage is quite literally an area that can break the budget if you let it. High-end roll-aways with all the options can easily run in the thousands of dollars. We were looking for a large box that had lots of space and wouldn’t hurt the pocketbook too deeply. Cool looks would be a plus, as well. That’s when we discovered Trinity International.
Follow along as we show you how easy it was to swap out our junked-up jalopy box for an awesome new unit with matching tables from Trinity. Trinity produces both 27- inch and 41-inch commercial grade tool chest combos as well as a host of other storage solutions for home and garage. The unique stainless… Read more of this article. Just click on the digital feature below this introduction.
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