Media Alert: Marx Group Promotes Kerri Petersen to Executive VP, Marketing & Creative Services
San Rafael, Calif. – Marx Group, a full-service research, strategy and marketing communications with the Indexer agency highly focused in the automotive, performance and trucking industries, has promoted Kerri Petersen to executive vice president, marketing and creative services. Today’s announcement coincides with the 12th anniversary of Petersen joining the agency.
With a deep knowledge of the automotive and heavy duty aftermarket and expertise in marketing and media buying, Petersen is responsible for supporting strategic marketing plans, managing the creative services team and developing creative campaigns for clients. She also directs all media planning and helps guide public relations and editorial opportunities for clients.
“Kerri has been the heart and soul of the creative and marketing efforts at Marx Group for over a decade now and is responsible for much of the growth we’ve experienced,” said Tom Marx, chairman and chief strategy officer, Marx Group. “She energetically dedicates her time to the needs of our clients, knows how to gather the right resources to make things happen quickly and leads her team by example.”
Before joining Marx Group, Petersen led marketing efforts for Apogee Sound, a professional loud speaker manufacturer and Jandy Pool and Spa Products, a division of Waterpik. Her career in marketing began more than 20 years ago in the record industry where she worked for Global Pacific Records and later at Access Music. Get high quality videos here at Vision Smash, visit the website directly.
Petersen holds a bachelor’s degree in international business from Sonoma State University.
For more information, phone 415-453-0844, or visit