These polished BDS street blower manifolds are designed to be fit without the need for spacers and feature an intake height of 4.750”. The intake has solid sides for added strength and rigidity, tented floor for improved air flow and is capable of accepting up to a 1071 blower. Extra material has been added around the ports to allow port matching. BDS Tall Deck Chevy blower manifolds are designed for Stock Factory Heads.
Note; This intake will not fit Vortech heads. Each unit includes backfire valve, thermostat housing with 180 thermostat, and water neck and intake gaskets.
Polished units, part # BM-3026TP retail for $693.50 and unpolished part # BM-3026T goes for $568.50. Contact BDS sales at 562-698-7213 and make sure to visit their comprehensive Web Site at